Sunday, April 24, 2011

worst next week of my life

There are always weeks like these when you have so much stress and you just want to give up on everything. Right now, it feels like my whole earth is about to shatter. Even if I did more than 12 hours of work a day, I still don't think I would be able to get through with an average grade for any of the projects/tests I have coming my way.
Brought all my stuff home to do work over Easter and I accomplished nothing. 
But have you ever thought about what this next week would mean to you next year? or maybe even a couple of years from now? If you put this whole pile of stress in the bigger perspective, it really means nothing. Its only a couple of grades. It won't affect my whole college GPA. I rather do the best I can without completely going over the edge... I feel like I am about to go crazy! I cannot wait until this week is over... 
Oh but wait, SMU decided to have finals without any days to study before... that's funny because after my hell week I have 3 finals on the first day and then my next to most difficult finals (which need at least 2 days of studying in advance) are the next. 
My life is about to go WAYYYY downhill from this day until summer. 

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