Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Adventures in Marshmallows

For years, I have enjoyed low-fat and fat-free desserts. I've eaten the Skinny Cow sandwiches and relaxed with Ben and Jerry's light ice creams. I can't really tell the difference between fat-free and regular Fig Newtons anymore, and I think of Teddy Grahams as a luxurious treat. In the world of low-fat desserts, the marshmallow reigns supreme. It's got pillowy goodness and sugary flavor, and it's the basis for the delicious wonder that is the S'more. That's why I was so excited when I discovered Plush Puffs and the Krispery.

Plush Puffs takes marshmallows to the next level, creating amazing flavors with fat-free delicious puffiness. The flavors range from Chocolate Chip to Coconut to Caramel Swirl, and they really taste how they are supposed to! 

I had a S'mores party with these last weekend, and we combined all sorts of marshmallows with all kinds of different crackers and cookies. It was incredible, and it was still healthy because you could leave out the chocolate if you wanted!

But that's not even the best part... the Krispery has mastered the marshmallow in action - as the binding agent of the beautiful, inimitable Rice Krispie treat! There are limitless possibilities for the Rice Krispie treat, but before I found the Krispery, I had only tried different kinds of cereal and added chocolate chips, crushed candy bars, or M&M's. Enter the Krispery...

Look at that Gooey Goodness!! The caramel is just spilling out of the inside... and it's also loaded with pretzels and dripping with chocolate syrup. Like a dream come true.

For me, these innovative takes on old standards have been eye-opening. I can't wait to try them all and love each second of it. I know what I am giving for birthday gifts!

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