Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Embracing the Raw

About a week ago, I was at Whole Foods, browsing the selections and guess what I found... dessert! Not just any dessert, mind you... raw dessert. Raw cheesecake, raw German chocolate cake, raw mousse. It was astounding to me, but after I came home I started doing some reading on the raw movement and its possible benefits.

It turns out that people are doing everything raw... it's just taking a long time to start off in Texas, one of the fattest, least healthy states in the country. In an effort to spread awareness, I thought it was worth taking a look at the innovative raw dishes that are being churned out all over the world.

Since Dessert was my first introduction to the world of Raw, I thought I'd start there...

The Raw Oreo Ice Cream Cake - Looks like any normal cake, but there is absolutely no dairy and nothing was baked, not even the cookies. They use dehydrators to dry out dates, figs, and carob to simulate the chocolate taste, and then use almonds and almond milk with vanilla to create a vanilla mousse!

I am trying to figure out where I fit into all of this raw business. I find it fascinating, but I am addicted to hot food... I like my meat cooked, and I'm not really into the idea of vegetarianism. However, I think there's probably an important value to considering vegetarianism. I wholeheartedly embrace the idea that nutrients deteriorate with cooking, and I understand that we should pay attention to more than just the number of calories our food has - we need to think about what we are really feeding our cells. I think I'm going to continue studying what benefits have been attributed to raw eating, and then I'll see if I am interested in heading that way myself.

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