Friday, April 22, 2011

Carrot Cake

So I've come to a conclusion after spending 2 hours baking a carrot cake for my Dad's birthday... Never use a recipe that doesn't come from a cookbook, cooking magazine, or at least a reliable source so you know it's somewhat worth taking the risk (e.g. your grandmother).
I originally took a recipe out of "Southern Lady magazine" ... looks good right? Yeah, it's not.

The cake never rose! Probably because it had like 3 sticks of butter in it....
Anyways, about 2 years ago I got into cooking & baking. My grandmother is a great cook and she has taught me a lot... (She's very precise and picky though, so it's funny to see her reaction when I try to put my own spin on a recipe). It's usually a 50/50 chance whether or not it works out though, but it's worth the try because it's fun to surprise yourself when you do something good!
Over the years she has collected and perfected a lot of recipes and now I want to start adding to the collection! Maybe someday we will be able to make a cookbook! If that ever happens I want to name it after her!

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