Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Are there really aliens? Well if you really think about it, we could be aliens? Imagine traveling to outer-space and landing on Mars and find little tiny creatures running around, speaking in a high-pitched foreign language and then come to find there's a whole city! Wouldn't we be those "scary invaders" that we make movies about all the time. Those aliens from another planet who find out that there's other life and great resources!
 - What if we were the aliens, and earth was this weird place with giant humans who produce bad chemicals that destroy the atmosphere. Think if other planets look down at us and make fun of our dumb mistakes... What if earth was the the "Jersey Shore" of outer-space.  Obviously they wouldn't invade us because we are destroying our planet, but what if those other living creatures were scared that we were going to find out they exist and then come invade their home!


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