Saturday, April 23, 2011


Taboo is the best game ever.
You really get to know the people you play with, in a sense that your looking at the inner-workings of their mind. I recently just played with a group of friends, and I don't think I've laughed that hard in a really long time.
It makes you think of an object in a completely different way because of the 'taboo' words you are not allowed to say, however, the way you interpret something is completely different than someone else's interpretation.
For example, a pez dispenser. (the cartoon little plastic toys that spit out little pez candies) well you can't say any of those words... and when you say a "long thing that spits something out of its neck"... you are going to get some pretty hilarious answers.
I'm about to go to Target and buy it to play with my family over Easter Break! Can't wait.

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