Thursday, March 24, 2011


Last night my friends and I went to this 'focus group' at the W hotel. Morgan's sister works for a marketing company in Dallas, so she invited us to participate in their little research project. A group of boys and girls went and were asked to describe "what is cool." On one side of the room, they had little sticky notecards all over the place that you had to re-arrange into categories (most of them were brands and trends). On the other side was a description of a clothing brand and you had to guess which one it was. They described themselves as the 'classic all-american brand, originated in the east-coast, and conservative yet sexy.' Well the first thing that comes to mind is something like Ralph Lauren right?
Wrong, the brand they were describing was Abercrombie. 
They had brought a group of SMU students in to basically tell them what was wrong with the brand and why it wasn't selling anymore...
1. Who wants to walk into a pitch black store with an over-powering smell of cologne and loud music... its suffocation-nation.
2. I'm embarressed to walk around with a bag picturing a half-naked teenager on the front. 
3. the clothes are made cheaply and I don't want the brands name in bold letters on every part of the shirt they can fit it. 

fix that. And I think they will start seeing results. 

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