Tuesday, March 8, 2011

View from Above

The days when you desperately need to get somewhere and end up running into traffic are easily one of my biggest pet peeves. Its so unfortunate because I am usually pretty accurate about how long it takes me to get from point A to point B, but with traffic in the mix... it messes up everything. However, imagine life as bird. I think that would be pretty amazing. Taking flight whenever you felt like getting some fresh air, getting to places quicker, and not even having to worry about leaving the house during rush hour! You could just simply fly overhead and passover the poor guy slamming his fists against the steering wheel because he hit yet another red light.

Not to mention, if I were a bird for a day... imagine the the great view. What would it be like to see the world from above? I found this picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, which I thought was very different from what I've always been used to seeing. Its pretty scary if you think about being that high up and looking down at everything. I wonder if birds ever get afraid of flying to high? I may be the first one... 

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