Thursday, March 3, 2011


I wish we could keep the imagination and innocence we had as children. I recently just walked into a FedEx store and saw all these boxes... nothing to them right? They are just cardboard boxes. However, then I remembered if I saw this as a kid, this would be awesome! I could build the coolest, largest fort ever!
We see the world differently as a child and sometimes even more creatively. Why is it that we lose our ability to create things out of nothing as we get older? I mean it obviously still happens, but we have a whole process to go about finding that "one idea". As a child this "process" would be as easy as breathing. What happens to our ability to be free thinkers as we get older? Is it the pressure of conforming to society and not being an outsider? In my view, brilliant ideas come from uncontrolled thoughts.

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