Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Feed the Media: Charlie Sheen

Its funny how someone famous can do one crazy thing or say something a little over the top and next thing you know its all over every media source in the country. Ironically I feel as if this promotes their behavior. We keep giving them more and more attention, egging them on and expecting more from them. For example, Charlie Sheen...
He was always a little off, inappropriate and yet extremely hilarious... but after a couple of slip ups the media started crawling all over him and since then he's gone way down hill. I mean honestly, it's a joke. I was listening to the radio yesterday and a "Charlie Sheen remix" of "Tonight I'm Lovin' You" by Enrique Inglesias started playing?!

 In a completely different perspective, I think Charlie has the right idea... besides the fact that he's mentally disturbed and going through a major meltdown... it seems as if he knows that the more he feeds to the media the more attention will come his way. He even said he was going to start charging people to interview him. Pretty clever on his part since he just got fired.
All in all, if celebrities didn't have the pressure of the public and media judging their every action and feeding their bad habits... would they face less emotional distress/instability than they do now? I think the answer is easily a yes.. and thus I doubt we would see as many "messed" up celebrities as we have seen today.

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