Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ads tp better our world

There are so many ads that exist to promote products and services and it gets overwhelming. Why not try something different? It's so great to advertising that 'helps' the community. I wish there were more ads encouraging people to go out in the community and help better our world. I know that sounds kind of cheesy, but there are so many fun ways to get involved and advertising them is such a perfect way to highlight that (not to mention it would give the advertising business a good rep too).
I am working for a small advertising agency in Houston this summer called Love Advertising, and one of their clients is Susan G. Komen. 
Advertising "race for the cure" is what has made this foundation what it is today!! 

There should be more ads promoting awareness of causes such as breast cancer like the Susan G. Komen foundation... inspiring others to help! 

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