Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wake up!

Alarm clocks are super annoying. Especially the ones that sound like a siren is going off and you practically wake up with a jolt thinking your house is on fire. At least I've made use of the "harp" sound on my iPhone to make waking up more pleasant.
But just when I thought I have had enough I came across this... A pillow that VIBRATES to wake you up in the morning! How simple, yet pure genius is this? Why didn't I think of this?  All you have to do is pull the pink tag out to however many hours you are going to sleep that night and when it reaches the end it will start to slowly vibrate to wake you up from a nice sleep. And apparently if you don't wake up your head weight acts as the "snooze trigger." No more annoying sirens and harps waking me up in the morning anymore!

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