Sunday, February 20, 2011

Food is creative

I don't think people give cooking as much credit as it deserves. There are so many different types, styles, and presentations of food.. its truly amazing. There are no rules, and its open to interpretation. Be as creative as you want!
Cooking is an art as well as a creative process. It's through people opening there eyes and minds to the different possibilities and combinations of the same ingredients that we have created such an extensive variety of foods. A long time ago food was solely "fuel for the body," but today it incorporates a mix of presentation and taste. I love cooking solely for these two reasons... 1. its an art project and 2) I get to eat it -- edible art! nothing is better than that.
People don't just add ingredients into a blender and pour it onto a plate (that is disgusting)... instead, we find a way to make it look pleasing and appetizing to our pallets.

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