Monday, February 28, 2011

making lists, doodling, and photographic memories

I tend to make a list out of everything. Why? I don't know. I'm not the uptight/on-schedule type of person... as a matter of fact, I'm very spacey, always day-dreaming, and forgetting things here and there. I seem to have embraced my inner pisces.
Even though I usually end up losing the lists I make, I think its the mere fact of writing it down that helps me remember. Through the years I've learned I have somewhat of a photographic memory. I tend to use 5 different colored highlighters when I take notes or study for this very reason. I can look over something and remember the smallest details, exactly where something was on the page, and a mental image of the exact color of the word I needed to memorize. With this I can usually remember the color, then where it was in my notes, and then use logical reasoning from there!
I got in trouble in my Rhetoric class freshman year for doodling while the professor was lecturing. But I can't not doodle! It helps me concentrate... I obviously wasn't going to say that back, but I was really tempted to send him this article I found online that proved that doodling was actually a way of concentrating for something. Also, I can also remember the notes/lecture better by what I was doodling when the professor is talking about a certain subject!
Check out the article in Time Magazine...

Doodling Helps Studying!

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