Monday, February 28, 2011

stumble upon

If you havn't heard of stumble upon or stumbled a little yourself, you are definitely missing out.
It is one of the most ingenious websites I have ever come across! It gives you the internet's best of the best and some of the most noteworthy unknown websites.
You can check little boxes of whatever interests you and then you are ready to stumble!
It is extremely engaging because you can go from stumbling across street art by Banksy to hidden wonders of world to soon to be sensational viral videos! The possibilities are endless and not to mention extremely addicting.

Go check it out and create a profile!

making lists, doodling, and photographic memories

I tend to make a list out of everything. Why? I don't know. I'm not the uptight/on-schedule type of person... as a matter of fact, I'm very spacey, always day-dreaming, and forgetting things here and there. I seem to have embraced my inner pisces.
Even though I usually end up losing the lists I make, I think its the mere fact of writing it down that helps me remember. Through the years I've learned I have somewhat of a photographic memory. I tend to use 5 different colored highlighters when I take notes or study for this very reason. I can look over something and remember the smallest details, exactly where something was on the page, and a mental image of the exact color of the word I needed to memorize. With this I can usually remember the color, then where it was in my notes, and then use logical reasoning from there!
I got in trouble in my Rhetoric class freshman year for doodling while the professor was lecturing. But I can't not doodle! It helps me concentrate... I obviously wasn't going to say that back, but I was really tempted to send him this article I found online that proved that doodling was actually a way of concentrating for something. Also, I can also remember the notes/lecture better by what I was doodling when the professor is talking about a certain subject!
Check out the article in Time Magazine...

Doodling Helps Studying!

Popsicle Scribblers

These delicious, fun, and delightful pops have been a huge part of my diet! I don't know what makes them so good or fun to eat, but I swear I am addicted to them. Maybe its the little kid inside me that thinks they are "the coolest" popsicle on the market. It tastes almost the same as the the regular ones, but its so much more fun to eat the very tip of the scribbler (orange preferably) and then carefully chew off the sides (green) and then you are left with the yummy middle section ... the red! The best part is the little joke at the end on the stick. These little ingenious popsicles will be staying with me for a long time. I just can't seem to stop buying them... I even start to skip a little when I reach the frozen food section of Kroger...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

the wonders of coffee

Coffee. Coffee. Coffee!!
    -- The essence of productivity --
A wonderful drink when you need to get things done right? If only I could be productive on the right thing.
For example, blogging instead of studying for my psychology exam tomorrow.
4 cups down, its around 3AM, and a lot more studying to get done. I'm honestly starting to wonder if I'm becoming closer and closer to looking like this photo. I feel as if this bug-eyed owl made out of coffee beans is my twin... literally...we have a lot in common at this point in time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Somebody had to say it...

Don't you hate it when you have to be that person who just "had to say it..." Whether you see someone walking out of the restroom with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoe or having to tell someone to shut-up because they're being extremely obnoxious. It always happens after some time has passed because the people next to you don't want to be the "bitch" so they usually wait for someone else to say something.
I don't understand why people just sit there and assume that the person next to them is going to say it or is more willing too... when clearly everyone is in the same position. 

new age

You know something is off when you hear your 10 year old brother singing the lyrics to "S&M" by Rihanna...
It's a little unnerving to imagine what kids will be exposed to in the next couple of years. Are people going to be walking the streets nude because they believe they have a right to "express themselves?" I mean nude beaches are totally casual these days... no big deal. Next step... "nude cities."
Society has become more accepting of the untraditional... good or bad is up to you to decide.
For one, the way we dress is definitely different...
For the most part, Lady Gaga's choice of style is a little over the top right? Will this be the norm a couple years from now?


Almost nothing is to scandalous to promote these days. I remember when I used to sing along to the spice girls and backstreet boys (not too long ago)... songs like "As long as you love me" and "Spice up your life" ... Today were sining along to lyrics like "chains and whips excite me" and "I just had sex." 
Its funny because until you actually think about it, it doesn't phase you. 

 from this to...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Slow Motion

How amazing would it be to have the ability to see everything in slow motion at any given moment. The world would be so much different. You would be able to appreciate some of the world's most simplest occurrences.  For example, popping a bubble....
I wonder why there aren't any superheroes with the power to slow down time. I tried to look it up, but nothing seemed to show up except for the characters in The Matrix. Apparently the superpower is called "Bullet Time." 
Pretty catchy name if you ask me... 
I might as well invent my own superhero! He won't be able to be defeated since he will be able to fight at such extraordinary speeds compared to his enemies! I think I'll call him, Spitzer. 

view history

After sitting through my creative class I started to think: There are so many ideas I have throughout the day that I can never remember later on... its so frustrating.
But, what if there was a way to click "view history" in your brain and be able to keep track of what exactly you were thinking at a certain point in time. There are so many times when I wonder "why in the world did I think that was okay" or "when was the last time I saw my phone?" I can only imagine what it would be like. The amount of ideas that go through my head could be stored and I could scroll through them whenever I needed something new and fresh! Those times when the same idea keeps running through your mind and you can't get rid of it and all you want to do is MOVE ON! well with "view history" we can be inspired by our past thinking!  I can search my past thoughts and my problems would be solved!!

And what if we could apply this to dreams?!

Food is creative

I don't think people give cooking as much credit as it deserves. There are so many different types, styles, and presentations of food.. its truly amazing. There are no rules, and its open to interpretation. Be as creative as you want!
Cooking is an art as well as a creative process. It's through people opening there eyes and minds to the different possibilities and combinations of the same ingredients that we have created such an extensive variety of foods. A long time ago food was solely "fuel for the body," but today it incorporates a mix of presentation and taste. I love cooking solely for these two reasons... 1. its an art project and 2) I get to eat it -- edible art! nothing is better than that.
People don't just add ingredients into a blender and pour it onto a plate (that is disgusting)... instead, we find a way to make it look pleasing and appetizing to our pallets.