Sunday, March 27, 2011

Talking Turkey

I always thought that turkeys were all created equal. Really, what's the difference between a Butterball turkey and a more expensive variety? All I ever knew was that the turkey was low in calorie and fat, generally served at holidays, and significantly larger than the chicken. As I am learning, the humble turkey is becoming almost a status symbol, as people are starting to obsess over the rediscovered heritage turkeys, which apparently have the old bloodlines that were present when America was first discovered. They are supposedly more sustainable, better tasting, and less pumped full of modern chemicals, hormones and antibiotics.

This is what a heritage turkey looks like:

That looks far more appealing and alive than the Butterball:

However, this healthy, environmentally friendly turkey comes at a price! While a Butterball may ring up at just over a dollar a pound, the Heritage varieties may cost upwards of $6 per pound, a pricey difference when you're considering that a turkey can easily weigh 15 pounds.

I'm going to ask my mom to give the heritage turkey a try at Thanksgiving, though. After all, we're already doing free-range chickens, wild-caught salmon, and grass-fed beef. We might as well give the upgraded turkey a whirl, right?

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