Monday, March 7, 2011

Take a smile...

I came across this picture and I really liked it.
"take a smile" ...
It's so simple, but ripping off a smile from it would do exactly that for me. As cliche as this sounds, a smile can really make someone's day.
Did you know that forcing a smile can actually make you feel happy? Our body is programmed to react to certain body movements and a smile is one of them. You can actually manipulate your facial expressions to form an emotion! So if you think about it... if you force a smile it will eventually make you laugh... and since laughter is contagious wouldn't that make people around you happy as well? 
I really want to try this out and see what happens! Go to the library, sit down to start studying for a little with a group of people, and then just put a HUGE smile on face and wait to see what happens... i'm already laughing thinking about it :)

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