Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Oddballs of Raw

I've read more raw foodies' websites now, and I am completely sold on the idea that 100% Raw is a strange choice.

Let's look at the top three strange raw people:

1. Tonya Zavasta - creator of Beautiful on Raw

It's Dark Side of the Moon meets the food pyramid! 
I'm sure Tonya Zavasta has great intentions, but her strange photos and narcissistic blog are enough to turn off even the most eager learner.

2. Tonya Kay (not sure what's up with the name Tonya here!) - creator of Veganica

I'm sure Tonya doesn't care about pushing raw into the mainstream, so she's not going for that appearance. She is obviously in amazing shape. She's a pretty successful television personality, as well. She drives around the country in a VW fueled with waste vegetable oil. I guess she's admirable, but her offbeat approach to her good looks makes me think more about the social capital idea I introduced in the last blog... Could she be doing all of this for attention??

3. Robert Ross - creator of Raw Food Life

Robert's actually the guy on the right. He doesn't look very strange, and in fact, his website is probably the most impressive, most comprehensive raw food site out there. However, Robert has some strange ideas. For instance, this picture of Mr Hyde: 

is used to represent the hidden dangers of cooked food.
Considering that no one has been able to substantiate any claims that cooked food is harmful in any way, and considering that humans have cooked their food since the invention of fire, such claims are misleading. It takes a serious extremist to go to such lengths.

I think raw food would have greater potential for large-scale success as a movement if raw foodies were more moderate. There is a militant quality of raw eaters that seems to push them over the brink a little. That offbeat nature alienates the raw movement and keeps people like me from really giving raw a sincere try.

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