Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So I am a little freaked out with all the hundreds of tornado outbreaks in the US. I feel like since Japan moved eight feet after the tsunami the whole axis of the world is thrown off and the weather is going crazy! I was just thinking about it, and I found that the safe spot in our apartment would be our coat closet on the first floor, also located in the center of the house!
I called my best friend this morning to wish her a happy birthday at around 8:30am just to be that annoying friend haha and when she answered all she said was"thanks! call you back,  I'm going to find shelter!" I could hear the tornado sirens going on in the background. She goes to school in Oxford, Mississippi. 
I was thinking, and what if the US became notorious for tornado outbreaks on a regular basis and our home as we know it today would completely change. What if we all had to live underground and build temporary huts on top of us because in the next month or so another tornado would come and blow it away. Its weird to think about.

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