Friday, January 28, 2011

like mother, like daughter

                                                 I lose everything,
And ironically the same thing happens to my mom. People say were so much alike its scary. I almost wonder if I grew up learning from her habits or if it was genetically inevitable. What makes people grow up to be like there parents? I know I see traits in my mom that I wish I had, but for some reason we can't pick and choose.
But what if we were able to check little boxes and choose which traits we wanted from our parents and which ones we could live without. What kind of world would we live in? Would people choose the same boxes? I don't know.
In a way,  I kind of like the bad, quirky traits because without them there wouldn't be anyway of appreciating the good.
And maybe that one bad trait you inherited will lead you to great ones, shaping our personality and make us who we are today!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Will cosmopolitan run out of ideas?

Does every cosmopolitan print almost the same issue every month? I feel like every time I read it the information is all the same, but with a different approach to the writing and a new celebrity on the front cover. The funny thing is there's something about the magazine that always makes me want to get it? And I feel as if its the same for every other woman. I think its because we think were going to find out "THE SECRET"... "how to make your man crave you" or "50 naughty moves your man will love." Except its the same results every time. Disappointment or pure enjoyment from some of the most the outlandish ideas i've ever read. I almost think they are running out of things to say to keep this magazine on the market, so they come up with more and more ridiculous ways to catch your attention. I mean seriously, i feel sorry for the girl who thinks this applies to everyone and tries those new "moves" on a first date. It makes me laugh. Then again, there are some crazy people out there... so who knows the guy might actually like it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A modern family

Everything needs a beginning, but where to begin is the question? I can start out by saying I was born in Houston, TX, have two younger brothers, and raised in a fairly normal household; however, that would be somewhat of a lie. After my parents divorce my whole life flipped upside down. In a bad way? Not necessarily, but at twelve years old moving to Paris, France wasn't exactly what I had in my mind for my 7th grade year. Especially when I figured out I was going to an international school where NO ONE spoke english. Every class was taught in french, everyone spoke french, and the education system was definitely european (in this case, textbooks and rulers were used more as physical punishment tools). My only friends were Nene, a 6ft tall Nigerian girl who spoke broken english, and a boy named Alexander from London. He was pretty much my first real crush since I had previously gone to an all-girl Catholic school where the common belief was that boys still had "cooties" and Jesus was the only real man worth getting to know.
Looking back on my year abroad, I guess it wasn't so bad. We only lived there for a year, however, our spontaneous trip to europe wasn't the only surprise that I'd be faced with. 
Before my thirteenth birthday, on March 6th, my mom married Neil Bush. It has been one of the most wonderful experiences becoming part of this family and who would've thought it'd be second nature to call George H.W. and Barbara Bush "Ganny and Gampy?"I probably wouldn't have believed you. I mean first off, the other side of my family is native to either Yucatan or Mexico, and my summer trips used to consist of hammocks and no air conditioning on the beaches of Progreso. 
     A little side note... I grew up speaking spanish right? Well after I moved to Paris, I became fluent in french. Ask me to speak either language now... I fuse both of them together. So apparently I've managed to create a new language known as "sprench."
I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters including me, and I'm right in the middle of everyone! Things havn't been the same ever since, but in a good way. If you take things as they come with a good attitude, you may be surprised in the end.